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It’s great that you’re interested in our preschool!

Johannelund is part of the City of Stockholm’s joint queuing system, and you make your choice in the City of Stockholm’s online service. You can find out more about queueing and the admission rules on the City’s website.

If you need help putting your child in the queue or if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact our superintendent Helin Belge by phone 070-253 48 32 or by e-mail helin.belge@​pysslingen.se

We´ll help you both in English and in Swedish.

About our settling-in process

A new, exciting time is about to begin! Starting at preschool is often a major event for both your child and you. To make sure you’re really happy with us, we want to provide a reassuring start in which your child gets the chance to familiarise himself/herself with all the new surroundings at a gentle pace. You can read more here about what the initial period at Johannelund will be like.

Parent-assisted settling-in

We have parent-assisted settling-in, in which you or another related adult take part in activities together with your child. The settling-in period begins with a settling-in discussion, in which you have the chance to tell members of teaching staff anything of importance for the settling-in period, for example how you child likes to be comforted or any special favourite songs.

Introduction meeting

If the child starts in connection with the autumn term, the child will be part of a group settling-in period. This involves new guardians being invited to an introduction meeting, which describes our organisation, the settling-in period, one day at the preschool, things that are good to know and possible reactions by the child during the initial period. We also make it clear what we expect of the person settling in the child, so that the beginning is as positive as possible for the child.

If the child begins in the middle of a term, the child and guardian are invited to a settling-in discussion, and also to a follow-up discussion after the settling-in period.

To bear in mind before the settling-in period

Once you have accepted a place at preschool, we send you all the information you need ahead of the settling-in period. It’s a good idea to forewarn your workplace that you will be busy with the settling-in period for a time. Settling in often works best if you can take it easy and feel relaxed.

Our aim is that your child will have the best possible start to preschool. We look forward to getting to know you and to having a great time together!